Cofton Holidays

"We’ve been impressed by both the regional and national coverage that we’ve achieved and by the sheer number of opportunities that Absolute has found for us not only through traditional media but also through popular travel and family blogs. In addition to that they’ve helped us partner with major brands that we’re now working with to help build new followers and customers."
Cofton Holidays
Helen Scott, Director
The Process
Raise the profile of Cofton Holidays as a destination of choice
Broadcast, magazines, regional and national press, online and social media
Regional and national media
2016 – present
The Challenge
To raise the profile of Cofton Holidays as a destination of choice among families seeking high-end cottages, holidays homes, apartments and camping in South Devon.
To build Cofton Holidays’ reputation for its outstanding on-site facilities.
To attract day visitors to use Cofton’s on-site facilities and promote Cofton’s events in the year.
Our Solution
Absolute worked with Cofton Holidays to launch its new range of hot-tub cottages announcing their availability and setting up a host of trips for members of the media and influential bloggers.
Absolute set up partner competitions with prominent brands aimed at Cofton’s target audiences.
Absolute negotiated national editorial packages and worked with the local press to develop reader incentives designed to boost footfall, food and drink sales and awareness of Cofton’s on-site facilities through special offers and incentives.
Absolute leveraged advertising by securing complementary editorial content, boosting and enhancing the power of paid for pieces with endorsing articles.
Absolute targeted national media with late deals offers and feature content to maximise occupancy.
What We Achieved
Absolute secured weekly coverage for Cofton with notable pieces in The Scottish Sun, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, Land Love Magazine and with mummy bloggers including Sparkles and Stretchmarks. Regular front page leaders drew readers to deals and offers resulting in increased footfall and sales.
Working in partnership with Burts Chips, Absolute created a ‘stand out’ social media competition becoming Burts’ most successful competition in its history, generating huge engagement levels, likes, comments, shares and retweets.
Regular late deals offers and heightened awareness generated by press trip reviews and event promotions combined to boost bookings year on year lifting overall occupancy rates to record levels.
Over the past 12 months, 189 pieces of media coverage has been secured worth in excess of £1million with an audience of over 49 million.