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International Women’s Day: the women who inspire us

March 6, 2025 | Blog

International Women’s Day is a time to recognise the achievements, strength, and influence of women across the world. For the Absolute team, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the women who have shaped our lives, whether through their leadership, creativity, kindness, or determination.

This year, we asked our team to share the women who have inspired them most. Here’s what they had to say:

Rachael – my Nanna

“My Nanna had a big influence on me growing up. I spent school holidays with my grandparents, who were always there to support me. Nana ran everything—the house, the family, the business, and sometimes even my grandad! She nurtured my love of nature, pointing out flora and fauna on countryside walks, and taught me invaluable skills in the home and garden.

Hardworking, straightforward, and no-nonsense my nanna believed that family and community were very important. She also ran the village’s old people’s club, despite being older than most of its members! Fair, kind, and selfless, she was a strong woman who left a lasting impact on everyone around her.”

Abi – Hermione Granger

The Harry Potter books ignited my love for reading as a child and I still enjoy these books today. I have always admired the character of Hermione Granger to the point where I used to dress up as her for every World Book Day when I was at school. Her resilience is incredible. She never shied away from being herself, outright owning the fact that she was the smart, know-it-all in the class but not apologising for that. Her loyalty towards her friends and standing up for what she believed in (Potter fans who have read the books will fondly recall S.P.E.W!!) was always something I really admired. I can spot a lot of Hermione’s traits in Emma Watson who I admire for continuing her education at Brown University whilst filming Harry Potter and helping launch the UN Women campaign HeForShe, all about gender equality. A true inspiration who shows you can achieve anything you put your mind to.”

Ewan – Aunt Bobbi

“For me, it has to be my Aunt Bobbi, who gave me my first job in PR. Bobbi is a force of nature and incredibly kind-hearted. Family always comes first for her. As a consequence, I am just one of many relatives who has lived with her as they took their first career steps in London. Without Bobbi, I probably wouldn’t have gone into PR, so I have a huge amount to thank her for.”

Lola – Martha P. Johnson

“I have found a lot of inspiration in Martha P. Johnsons’ story, and that of her friend and co-activist Sylvia Rivera, since I learned about them in a documentary as a teenager. Martha P Johnson is a black trans activist, artist, and sex worker who worked tirelessly throughout her life to further the mission of LGBTQIA+ and AIDs activist movements. In her personal life, she was a pillar of her local queer community, known for her kindness, and for providing safety and guidance to those who needed it most.

She showed incredible strength of character and conviction, enacting extraordinary, world-changing activism in the face of extreme personal hardship and local, national, and global political backlash. As a woman who experiences a relatively high level of privilege, I feel it’s important to take these moments to remember the women who are often the ones to lay the foundations of social and political liberation movements, only to too frequently be marginalised by the very groups they have held up. On a personal level, I aspire to emulate the love and community spirit that Martha showed and to always stand on my values as she did.”

Gill – my Mum

“My mum has been an amazing role model to me, and now also to my daughters. She seemed to expertly juggle a career and family as I was growing up, always having time to support us while holding down a full-on teaching role. But it is her decency, tenacity, and desire to consistently be fair and even-handed, alongside her kindness and sense of fun, that I admire most. Despite all the knocks that life throws at us, she has always approached things with resilience and warmth — qualities I try to emulate every day.”

Tilly – Beatrix Potter

“Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been captivated by storytelling and animals: two passions that Beatrix Potter so beautifully intertwined. But she wasn’t just a beloved author; she was a trailblazer! When publishers rejected her, Beatrix self-published and became one of the best-selling children’s authors of all time. Not only that, using the proceeds from her books, she bought and preserved vast areas of the countryside for future generations through the National Trust. Her creativity, resilience, and dedication to conservation continue to inspire me today.”

International Women’s Day is a moment to reflect, celebrate, and champion the women who have paved the way for us, both in history and in our personal lives. Whether they are family members, pioneers in their field, or quiet forces of strength behind the scenes, their impact is undeniable.

Who are the women who have inspired you? We’d love to hear your stories.